BUT we found a lot too. We found strength. We found courage. We found a new beginning. We found that our dedication to each other and our families is even stronger than we knew.
We were late to our wedding reception due to a flat tire.
Shortly after our 5th Wedding anniversary we evacuated to drier land for Hurricane Ike and had to wade home. We had damage but no flooding.
We spent our 14th wedding anniversary cleaning out our home and deciding what was salvageable and what was not salvageable.
It's a new start for an oldish couple. We'll take it.
Check out the new Kesha Album. It has and continues to help me through being homeless and having 90%of my life expertly packed into a storage unit sized 11X20.
As the line from "Hymn" says, "I know that I'm perfect even if I'm fucked up."
One of my besties got 6 feet of water in her house so I am off to give my time to help out wherever I can. We are in a holding pattern searching for a home.
Love and light.
"I hope you find you find your peace falling on your knees. Praying," -Kesha