Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Been a long let's bake spaghetti.

Wow, I haven't been here in a while. I didn't fall off the face of the earth or anything. In fact, things are going really good for the most part.

On May 12, 2012 I graduated from College of the Mainland with my Associates of Art degree in General Studies. June 11, 2012 I began my first class at University of Houston- Clear Lake. I sent off my application to apply for the Bachelors in Social Work program yesterday and now I wait. It can take them up to 30 days to decide whether to accept me at this time or not. I am pretty sure I will get it, I just don't know if it will be in time for the fall classes. It would be probationary for now anyway until I finish the other class that I need. I have some general education classes to take as well. Advanced Writing, Behavioral Statistics

The boys are all great and getting BIG. B is 12 and going into the 7th grade. J is 11 and heading to 6th grade. C is 8 1/2 and heading to 3rd grade, and little N is 6 and heading to 1st grade. The big boys have moved down to our side of town again which means no more 3 hour Sunday rides for us. My Pop-in-law was picking them up on Fridays for us so we wouldn't be in traffic all night on Fridays. It was a very kind thing to do. I know he is glad that is over now. I hope the boys like their new school. I know change is an adjustment but it seems best for everyone.

We have had the big boys since June 29th and Saturday they go back to Momma's house and off to Boy Scout Camp on Sunday for a week. B wasn't all that excited about Camp after he found out that Momma was moving but now that he has seen the new place things are better. I think he was worried about his Momma and there being more radical changes when he got back. Completely understandable. Now that they have seen the new place they seem to be doing better. It has been a good summer. We got stuck inside for a week with the rain but they were very well behaved.

Tonight I made Baked Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread for dinner. J gorged on salad as usual. I wonder if he was a rabbit in a past life? Not complaining though, there are worse things to gorge on for sure.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil water for spaghetti.

My Baked Spaghetti is was just Ragu sauce simmered while the noodles cook. Mix the sauce and noodles together. Put 1/2 of noodle & sauce mixture in a baking dish and add a layer of mozzarella cheese. Add remaining noodle & sauce mixture and top with more mozzarella cheese. I like a lot of cheese and add it liberally. You can make it to your liking. You could even do more layers if you like.

Then put in oven for 8-10 minutes until cheese is nice and melted. It perks up regular spaghetti nicely and the kids love it.

I can't promise that I will keep up with this but I will try. Even if it is only to add more of our favorite recipes. Tomorrow the kids are eating at their grandparent's house. Friday is Creamy Italian Chicken and birthday cake for my husband's upcoming birthday. His birthday is Monday but the older boys are leaving Saturday so we shall celebrate early.


  1. Woo, you covered a lot of business here. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Happy Blogging!

  2. Thanks Bev! I've been AWOL for too long. I think blogging wiill once again be cathartic if I can keep it up.
