Saturday, August 11, 2012

Enemas with rusty bottle brushes

You might laugh at that title. I know the first time I heard a friend of mine say it I laughed a lot. Tonight I am not laughing. I know some certain people who need such an enema big time.

I know a child who is going though hell right now. I feel my heart breaking because I don't know how to help my friends.

Most of my friends who know about this blog know that my husband has an ex-wife. If you have read much of this you also know I have two wonderful boys in my life because of that union. If you have been around a really long time you might know that T and I don't always see eye to eye about things. In fact, in the past we have really has some major issues. Despite that past, I respect that T is the boy's Momma and that she loves them with everything she is.

When I reflect on our situation (the good and the bad) I cannot for one second imagine doing anything to her that would hurt our boys. EVER! PERIOD! NO MATTER WHAT!

You see I DO have a moral code. I have personal ethics. I have a need not to bog down the social services with bogus bullshit. SOME PEOPLE, however, need serious mental help.

Tonight I am thankful that T and I have managed to mostly exist peacefully and in the best interest of our boys instead of acting like morons and dragging an already overburdened agency into our lives.

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