Saturday, September 1, 2012

Welcome Back Bash!

Tonight we went to UHCL's Welcome Back Bash on campus. My husband did not want to go so he and the older kids stayed home. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.

There was so much fun things to do there for the kids and families that we were doing things until the least second before we left. I am SO sorry the older kids were not with us. J, who is my monkey, would have LOVED the climbing wall!

Here are C and N climbing up it. I have a terrible fear of falling so when they got to the top I think my heart was in my throat but they LOVED IT!

We got there and hung out with the Social Worker Booth making sand bracelets. N got his face painted. They had free snow cones, Freebird's brought in food, NASA brought cool stuff out, Monster brought yummy energy drinks, the Army came and the Coast Guard brought a boat. The CG guys were incredibly cool. Shout out to them in the Port of Houston and best of luck to the gentleman training to be a rescue swimmer!

NASA brought out gloves to try on, Astronaut food, and even a helmet from the Apollo program that was used for training. They were fantastic and very knowledgeable and we enjoyed talking to them.

It was HOT but they had free drinks and lots of water. There was an awesome band to play for us but it wasn't overly loud and annoying. Seriously, I am pissed that B & J missed out. From now on, I will just take the van and take them myself because they would have loved it.

There were pictures done by some great photographers. Remember that it was HOT so I look horrid, but the kids are adorable.

I want to thank the University for putting on one hell of a party and doing fun stuff for our families to come out and enjoy the campus. University of Houston- Clear Lake is an awesome University and I LOVE attending there. The Student Veteran's Association for the great shirt and inviting me to the meetings. I will definitely do my best to get there. The Social Work Department because y'all are awesome and my soul mates. And everyone who came out and were so nice to my crazy kids. Oh and a HUGE thanks to my Mom for hanging out with us and helping me with the kiddos!

If you are looking for a great University in the Houston area, check them out!

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