Sunday, July 29, 2012

Manual labor and Catastrophe Averted!

Well, I got a few hours of sleep before I was awakened by the pain of sunburn. I haven't been sunburned like this is years. So i got up, tooled around on the computer, and got to chores.

I got the grocery shopping done for the week and then decided today was a good day to clean the kitchen. I scrubbed the stove and counters down before dinner and finished dishes and mopped the floor after. After a few hours in the kitchen I find out that the man threw away the 'broken' bucket weeks ago.

He actually waited until after I cleaned out the sink to tell me to use it as a mop. Not this sink baby, I scrubbed it all nice and clean once today.

I am waiting on the pieces of my stove to dry so I can put the stove back together. Oh how I miss my gas stove some days. The floor is drying as I type this. Don't you love it how you realize that you forgot to get things out of the kitchen after you have mopped the path through.

Tomorrow I guess I move on to the dinning room. I am contemplating my room and bathroom tonight too. It depends how my back is holding up when I get off this chair. :-)

It seems that my laptop is working. It is acting kind of buggy and 'seeing' stuff in the USB ports where there is nothing. I hate to lose her since she has almost all of my school work from COM on it. If it keeps acting up I guess I will have to look into getting a replacement. I would like to have something smaller for school but I love this laptop too. I will do some research this week and see what my options look like, Here is a picture of my baby drying out after my husband spilled iced tea on her.

Dinner tonight was courtesy of Stouffer's. Tomorrow I am trying a brand new recipe that I will post later for you. It is from Budget Savvy Diva and is called Spinach and Artichoke Baked Pasta. I hope it is good especially since the big boys are back from camp and we have a full house.

I'm looking forward to going to San Antonio in August for my friend's wedding. The husband opted to stay home with the kiddos so it should be fun.

This post is dedicated to the 5 hour energy shot that kept me going today. Those things taste like crap but they work. I guess I need to go check on the kitchen floor now.

Happy Sunday night everyone! I hope you have a blessed week!!

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