Saturday, July 28, 2012

What Dreams May Come

Do you remember your dreams? I don't always. The thing is that when I do they seem to mean something is going to happen. It seems to be something many of the females in my family share.

I have had dreams about my best friend who passed away in 1998 a handful of times since he died. I feel like he has been around to guide me through the things I needed. My oldest son has his name as his second middle name. I almost wish it was his first one. I keep in touch with his kids as much as I can. They are a fantastic group of people and I feel very close to 3 of them and love them all very much. Even if it was my subconscious working on me it sure has helped me deal with my grief and the temporary anger I felt. Even today I feel that loss all the way to my core. I still feel like a piece of me is missing. I bet his kids feel it too.

That being said, a few weeks ago I had a dream that contained my husband's ex. I don't really remember specifics but in the years we have been together that has only happened maybe 2 or 3 times and something always happens after those dreams. This time was no different. A few days later she called us with very shocking news that rocked everyone's world. The boy's world got turned upside down while they were with us this month and they have some adjusting to do. Don't get me wrong, it isn't all bad or anything just shocking. I talked with the boys and relayed to them that if their Mom is happier and in a better situation then life will be better for all of them. Regardless of the past, we are all in this together and that isn't going to change.

Last week I had a dream about an old friend. This person and I went through a lot together. Without getting too much into things we went had a very interesting 3 years and it was good and bad as friendships usually are. I learned a lot about people, about friendship, about love, and about myself. Looking back there is very little I would change about that time in my life. This person came into my life during a very turbulent time and the crap we went through together really gave me back a sense of confidence that I thought was lost. So, a few days ago I had a dream about this person. I don't remember much about the dream other than it was friendly and pleasant. I think of him from time to time and I have often wondered how he was doing and how his family was doing. The odd part was I was tooling around on Facebook the other night during another bout of horrible insomnia and in my friend suggestions I saw his name pop up as someone I might know. So I clicked on it and as soon as I saw the college education info I knew it was him. Anyway, I added him as a friend. Tonight he approved that request while I was out at my Mom's house taking care of the animals and I almost fell over. I hope we can catch up with each other. Things were not always great between us but I honestly wish him all the best. We just lost track of each other.

I really love Facebook. I have actually reconnected with people I went to Elementary school with while my parents were together. I have enjoyed catching up with old friends, keeping up with family, and even making new friends.

I guess I should try and sleep since I have plans with the littles (my name for my 2 boys) and a friend and his kiddos. It will be our only chance to hang out with his daughter before she goes back to her Mom's house.

Drop me a comment if you have had any interesting experiences with your dreams. I love to explore that further. It is the Psychology lover in me.


  1. I almost never remember my dreams, except if it is a recurring one. I'll have a dream of someone chasing me in this old castle. Don't know what that means except that maybe it time to slow down.

  2. I have ones where I am falling. I have nightmares about falling 20 feet from a tower and breaking my back. Also, I have ones where I am being held down that stem from a trauma years ago. In the last year I have had nightmares but these few dreams have been good ones. I'm glad for that. Generally though I love to dream. :-)
