Friday, August 17, 2012

Love, Friendship, relationships.... pt. 1

What is love to you?

To me it is many things. Least of all is hearts, flowers, diamonds, or other material things. Don't get me wrong, a little bit of that is necessary from time to time but it really is so much more than that. I wish my husband would do more of that stuff but it isn't going to break our marriage up or anything.

Love is not only romantic or sexual either. People get all weird about that stuff too. I am the kind of person who loves easily. I love a lot of people in a lot of different ways. People who are old old school don't understand that part of my personality. I have a lot of guy friends, more than women friends. For some reason people like to think that if a girl loves a guy she used to have sex with him, is having sex with him, or she wants to have sex with him. This is not always true. I am sure that in some instances it is true.

I had an instructor who was an incredibly close friend of mine. Someone reported to his boss that we were having a physical relationship because we were close. This guy was like a father to me, so getting called in to his boss' office to be grilled about whether we were knocking boots or not really pissed me off.

I actually just realized that most of my really good women friends are ladies that I have met online. I think it partly due to the fact that there is a lot of societal pressure for women. When you connect online over a common interest it cuts out the jealousy of who is skinnier or prettier and such. Personally, I don't have ugly friends. I understand why people meet online though and I know many people who have wonderfully successful relationships that began online. Of course, there are the people who lie and deceive so you must be careful who you meet in person. So far, I have only had one close call with a guy and it was YEARS ago (almost 20). I have friends I met on newsgroups from 1995 and people I have just met in the last few years on Facebook and twitter. We all share common interests but we are different races, sexes, and political parties; yet we get along great.

Actually I am shy and kind of socially awkward if I don't know you. There are only a handful of people that I have been automatically talkative with. My buddies is the Lake side of HPD, the other law enforcement that came in, the fire fighters, and Mr. S. I seem to bond with public servants, mostly emergency workers, because it is such a selfless career. Plus most of them are just a little bit nutty and get my sense of humor. You have to be a little nutty to deal with what they do and not burn out or go crazy.

Mr. S. was not a public servant, although I did find out later that he has his Associates in Criminal Justice. Ironic. He had a nice smile. His credit card had a picture of him on it and I commented on it one day. We got to talking here and there. He mentioned one day going to pick up running clothes so that he could start running for fitness. I asked him to run by the store because I didn't get enough good scenery there. That was a first for me. I had never openly flirted with anyone like that before. Truth be told, I never did it again either. Mr. S. and I lost touch for a while until recently. (Yay for FB) I'm glad to have my friend back.

I will come back and blog some about my best friends another night. I have to go try and sleep. I think getting some food in me helped. I have a consult with the surgeon on Monday with a civilian doctor. If it gets worse I will head to the VA this weekend instead. Tomorrow I hope to talk about my husband, his day off today, and the medication reaction I was dealing with this morning.

Good night to the few, the awesome, the readers of this blog!

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