Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Child's Play

Well, we took the boys back to T's house tonight and that was interesting. I don't mean interesting as it bad or even snarky. I mean interesting as in the most relaxed things have been for a while. I don't know what happened or why but I am glad that things are better. When things are bad there is stress and it boils over to the kids even though we try to keep it from touching them. I'm so tired of the stress. I am tired of the fight. Life is very short... too short.

B has a blister or something on the end of his finger. He showed me yesterday before dinner but it got bigger and nastier overnight. I didn't want to drain it just in case the infection spread. I would rather let a doctor look at it first. I really hope that it isn't serious. He didn't even complain while helping with dinner yesterday. They were getting more stuff from their step dad's house though and who knows what got kicked up in the packing/moving process. I was worried about it being a spider bite though.

Speaking of dinner and helping, B did a really good job yesterday. I am usually BAD about having help in the kitchen but I was behind and had to delegate. I wish I had more patience with that because so far it is S teaching the kiddos to help cook.

These 3AM blog posts are getting to be a habit. I couldn't sleep so I studied for a while but my brain won't shut down.

I think I need to go try to sleep though before my thoughts and fingers get me into trouble. I thought being honest would help matters but nothing. More BS and lies. I don't like to give up on friends but I am about worn out. I just don't know what else to do. KPN, I thought we could always be honest with each other but I was wrong. I used to trust you implicitly. I hope it is worth it.

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